The following tale may or may not be true:
Billy, Jason, and Sally were three young smokers who spent their summer nights playing outside, seeing movies and smoking pot. They were all great friends and life was sweet. One particular cloudy night Jason, and Sally were sitting on their favorite sofa, while Billy was packing a bowl for them to smoke. Billy had extra ease packing this bowl tonight because the full moon outside gave him perfect light for him to see what he was doing. Once finished he sat down on the sofa too and reached into his pocket and pull out at White Bic Lighter. From friend to friend the pipe and lighter went, each kid sparking up just like they usually do. When they were done they just sat there in stoney silence. Suddenly a fan above them broke off and in one quick move killed them all.
Classy or not, most stoners who hears that tale would know exactly what young Billy, Jason and Sally did wrong. The cause of their death can be directly linked back to the White Bic Lighter they so foolishly used. It is common knowledge that if you Smoke Marijuana using a White Bic Lighter you will have bad luck. Or die, as in the case of young Billy, Jason, and Sally. Nobody quite knows where this rumor of White Lighters being bad luck got started. Some people say that a few famous musician's autopsies have reported White Bic Lighters to be found in their pockets. Other people think the bad luck is due to the fact that cops can easily spot ash on white lighters. Others just think hey are haunted. So beware Classy Stoners, check what color lighter you have. Personally, if the only lighter available was white, I would use it. But if you are at a party, nothing is more of a mood killer then whipping out a White Bic Lighter. What do you all think? Would you use one?
The Classy Stoner
I definetly agree white lighters are cursed and shouldnt be used. I member one time my friend throwing another friends white ligter in the bushes multiple times, so we could avoid, the white lighters bad luck.
stay away kids, and choose the lime green lighter or colorful designed lighters, over the wicked white lighter :D
-Yours truley,
LA Woman
I have, on many occasions, thrown friends' white lighters into bushes for their good as well as mine.
Everyone is superstitious, only some of us admit it.
There is no shame in using white bic lighter when that is all that is around. I mean some one passes you a bowl and a white bic. Im sure as hell am gonna smoke that!
but its just fun to tell people that they are bad luck to keep the legend alive.
Hey man, fun story :D
Keep it up so I have more things to read while i'm at work ;) (they filter out all the fun stuff, I hope this one's not filtered)
Great read, like the layout,keep it up!
Use the stove.
i hate to sound like a dick but its impossible for a ceiling fan to kill someone, its just not strong enough, unless it was just from it falling on them, but in that case only one of them would have died. yea i had to be the douche, but i do agree white lighters are bad.
Oh my god, i am way too high for this shit to not freak me out.
I really have good bud. Sorry about all these comments guys
astinxhaleeyx3- we love comments!!
The safest thing to do is buy ONLY white lighters. Even "bad luck" doesn't have the stamina to constantly mess with you.
so you're camping out and everything is perfect suddenly it begins to rain a very cold rain you get soaked need to start a campfire u see where I'm going with this? sticks paper old socks and what oh white lighter what is bad about that?
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